Hari Nam Singh will be honored to teach on any topic that is thought to be relevant or desired by your local community.

To request a workshop in your area, please submit your request on the "contact" page of this website, or email or call Hari Nam at info@yogaheaven.com or 503-295-1191.

Below is a list of themes that have been recently taught:

* Strong as Steel, Steady as Stone (Warrior Saint)

* The Art of True Love (Your Soul is Your Best Soulmate)

* Meaning, Purpose, Mission

* Follow the Arrows

* Breaking the Chains of Personal Enslavement

* Be the Lighthouse!

* Cosmic Consciousness

* Maintaining Strength and Confidence in Uncertain Times

* The Two Doorways to Heaven

* A Yogi's Understanding of Life and Death

* Spiritual Brilliance

* Looking the Part of the Real Deal Yogi

* Love, Devotion, Surrender

* Return of the Jedi

* Burning Bridges and Mending Fences

Student Testimonials

"Incredible Class. Your realness, compassion and inspirational words were exactly what I needed to hear. You opened my heart and lifted my spirit. At the end of class, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I feel like a new person. Thank you." -J.S

"Your class last night was so amazing. I still am glowing with an INCREDIBLE amount of energy and light the day after. I don't remember the last time I felt this amazing. I'm so grateful. Thank you!" -F.S.

"I feel so infinitely grateful for all you gave us during these past few weeks. We have all been impacted in some way - I've personally felt so uplifted, empowered and comforted in my faith, in my path and mission. With all my heart, I thank you for this and and for opening up the path of Kundalini Yoga for so many people here. You are a true Warrior for Love and Light. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to hear your teachings in person." -A.A.

"Thank you for this wonderful gift of knowledge, spiritual nourishment and physical endurance. It was a magical workshop." -A.K.

"This was a most fantastic class. Sublime! A gift from the divine." -A.D.

"Thank you for yesterday. It was more liberating than I can express. Life altering." -Y.B.

"I have learned so much and truly enjoyed your class. I have enjoyed you. Your commonsense, down-to-earth, tough New Yorker truths have had me chuckling and smiling. I have had many ah-hah moments in your class. I know nothing and it is great to be a beginner again. I love it. Thanks." -R.B.

"I cannot tell you how exceptional I felt from your visit to my city. It was a lot to process, but nothing heavy; just another level of information coming in and I am super grateful. Thank you for everything! After the workshop, I felt very uplifted and encouraged simply by your presence." -S.S.

"Thank you so much for yesterday's class. Like always it was amazing. You are a great teacher." -V.M.

"Just want to say thanks for being part of this magical experience!! Thank you so much for helping me open my eyes and my heart. Yes, you ARE crazy, but I would love to catch from your madness." -J.G.

Workshop Themes


Contact Info

Yoga Heaven
